About Green Window Tips

Brought to you by Atlanta Area Window and Door Co.
Hey, Atlanta!
This blog is dedicated to bringing you expert tips and information about energy saving windows in Atlanta.

We welcome any feedback and tips you'd like to share as one concerned with helping Atlanta Go Green!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Leafproof in Atlanta

Atlanta Area Window and Door has been replacing and installing windows and doors for over 25 years now. Recently we decided to start selling additional products in order to better serve our customers and increase our field of service all around.

We began carrying Leafproof gutter protection this past year as a way to meet customer needs in Atlanta and provide what we believe is the most affordable and effective gutter protection anyone could get. Leafproof is an all aluminum gutter protection system manufactured in Omaha, Nebraska by Eran Industries and since 1995 has already established itself as a premier home improvement product.

Needless to say, we're proud to carry this new product. We've already installed over 3000ft of Leafproof in the Atlanta area and we look forward to bringing Leafproof to more homes this summer and into the coming fall. Check us out at Atlantawindows.com or Leafproofatlanta.com

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