About Green Window Tips

Brought to you by Atlanta Area Window and Door Co.
Hey, Atlanta!
This blog is dedicated to bringing you expert tips and information about energy saving windows in Atlanta.

We welcome any feedback and tips you'd like to share as one concerned with helping Atlanta Go Green!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Replacement windows needed for this home in Decatur. I'm blogging on this one now to track the process from the replacement of single paned wood windows to insulated replacement windows. The new "Green" windows will create more comfort and especially energy savings for this Atlanta home. Stay tuned for more updates.
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Monday, December 3, 2007

More Ways to Conserve Water

Today's AJC has a great article about a man in Roswell, GA named Jorg Voss who takes water conservation seriously. Since we discussed power and water conservation this past weekend, and although this post is not directly related to windows, it has a lot to do with our aim to help you Go Green and conserve. So here's some of the things Voss is doing on a daily basis that maybe you can try at home.

Disclaimer! Some of these tips may not be for the faint in heart. Don't feel like you have to be another Jorg Voss but maybe there's some ideas you can take from Voss' lifestyle that you can implement at home. Making even one lifestyle change makes a big difference.

1) Rain Collection.
Voss has put together a complex rain collection system. When it's actually raining in Georgia this is a useful tool. However, what ol' Jorg is doing is collecting water from his gutters and using a submersible pump to water his lawn and garden!

2) Waiting for the Water to Warm Up... Don't Let it Go Down the Drain!
Water that we usually waste is collected and reused by Voss. Water that flows while waiting for it to warm in the shower is captured in wash pans and can be used for flushing the toilet or again for watering.
Another tip I received recently that I'm sure Voss is already putting into practice, is reusing dishwater. This "gray water" or, recycled wastewater that doesn't come from the toilet, can be used also for flushing the toilet or watering such plants as Hostas, Hellebores, and most ferns. They love gray water. But don't use it on your Dog Hobbles, Azaleas or Sourwoods.

3) The Wash. That Wasteful Rinse Cycle.
The second and third cycles of the washing machine is a rinse cycle which provides water that is easily reusable. What Voss does with his rinse cycle water is unhook the hose that usually takes the waste water to the sewer and reroutes it to a collection container where the mostly clean water can be reused for washing dishes, watering outdoors, flushing the toilet etc.

The point is any water that can be reused is. Now you may not be the type of person who goes to the lengths that the Voss family is going to but perhaps you can take some of these tips and add them to your routine.

We don't have to be under another drought to think about water conservation. Water is a precious resource and the more steps we can take to avoid waste can make a big difference for years to come.

Well, it wouldn't be a window blog without mentioning replacement windows. In my last post I mentioned how replacement windows save water. Check out this post to see information on how replacement windows conserve energy and water.

Until next time, Atlanta keep going green and please feel free to share any green tips you have at all whether they are related to windows or not. Thanks!

Jaq B in Atlanta, GA

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Reducing Your Energy Costs and the Water Shortage

The truth is your energy usage is directly related to water usage. Since power plants use so much water every day to produce energy, the more energy you use, the more water is being put to use.

According to a NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) report 89% of all energy produced in the United States is hydroelectric. Meaning the more energy you're consuming on a daily basis, the more water your consuming as well. And with the drought effecting us in Atlanta, we need to conserve as much water as possible.

Georgia Power posted the graph you see to above. According to their studies, 52% of our energy usage is from heating and cooling. So keeping the thermostat turned down in the winter and up in the summer is important. However, when you consider that you lose a majority of the heat in your home through your windows...see where I'm going?

So believe it or not, green windows help you save money, energy, and water!

Do your part to help us get through this drought. You probably never thought about how reducing your heating and cooling bill could help keep energy and water usage to a minimum.

If you're a homeowner looking for a way to make your home Green. Energy efficient windows are a big step.

If you're not a homeowner tell people you know how important it is to make sure that they have energy efficient windows in their homes.

For an additional resource about insulation and energy reduction, click here.

Jaq B in Atlanta, GA